When I started this challenge, I didn't know it would be so challenging. It all began before I even touched the graphite pencil – it started when I chose the reference images for this ambitious journey. You see, I have always been drawn to vibrant colors. I thought they were great, captivating, and exciting. But here's where I made a mistake, a significant one. Why, you may wonder? Well, let me explain.

This challenge isn't about any colors, no shades of pink or green. It's about embracing the monochromatic world of graphite pencil art. When you commit to using only graphite, it's all about tonal values. You have no colors to play with, only shades of grey. You'll discover that, in this realm, pink and green in tonal value become indistinguishable. I'm still baffled by this, and if you have an answer, please share it in the comments below.

Despite the initial confusion, I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed this first month of the challenge. It has been a period of tremendous learning and growth. I can now confidently say that drawing with a pencil and mastering the art of shading are fundamental skills for anyone starting their journey into the world of drawing and painting.

In my next post, I will delve into the top five lessons I've learned during Month #1 of this art challenge. Stay tuned to uncover the insights that will shape the rest of this artistic journey!